Tuesday, 27 April 2010


Were all aware of the racist names people use and call each other by, but the reasons behind this will always remain a mystery to me. Us as humans are all made the same well apart from the obvious gender differences, our bloods the same colour and we breathe in the same air, so why is there so much hate because of the colour of one persons skin? Maybe it all comes down to ignorance, or stems from what we have been taught. To be a racist is a choice people make we are not born with the characteristic we simple learn it as we grow and develop. Our society especially in Britain is very much so multi cultured and we all live amongst a variety of cultures, so why cant we all just get along?

Check out the poem via this link

1 comment:

  1. I'm really glad you included racism in your blog. I think its probably one of the worse behaviours of the world and its something that I absolutely can't stand. I like that you point out that we all have the same coloured blood flowing through our veins and breathe the same air. I think that people easily forget that and for some crazy reason think they have more of a right to breathe the air around them then others do. I really enjoyed the poem too. Thanks again for touching on such an important topic!
