Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Bad Movies - Kids

Whilst thinking about what to blog about next i remebered that i hadnt made a comment regarding the film we watched. A little summary: An amoral, HIV-positive skateboarder sets out to deflower as many virgins as possible while a local girl who contracted his disease tries to save his next target from her same fate. Which i will say is an accurate portrayal of the film, but what it doesnt tell you is its full of sex, drugs and things you dont want to imagine your own child doing!!
I was thinking about it and attempting to come up with my own view on the film but i could honestly see two sides to it. First being that although yes "de-flowering" as many women as he can is wrong anyway, these women still consented, and ok he may have been spreading his disease, BUT he was unaware he had it, therefore he thought he was using the best form of contraception against STD's as the girls he lured for were virgins.

I cant say i found any part of this film shocking as it displayed similar things to what happens in real life anyway, however i dont think many parents would agree!

Link below for more info on the movie...

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